Last weekend, we went hiking on Saturday up at Grayson Highlands State Park in Virginia. Imagine our surprise when we turned the corner and saw this! There was still quite a bit of snow hanging around up there, and it was windy and cold. But we found 4 geocaches!

As for the Roost, look what we found on the dog's porch.....a dead bat! We have no idea what happened to him. He'd been dead for awhile, and the dogs (fortunately!) didn't seem interested in him.

Tom is so brave.....

It was quite chilly on Saturday morning - this was the smoke from "Mommy's" chimney drifting down the valley.

I went for a long walk and found what I hope will be a woodpecker nest. He (or she) was busy inside pecking away. I waited for a pretty good while, but they never came out so I'm not sure what kind of woodpecker it is. But I'll be checking back each weekend to see if there's more activity.

Inside, we did a few more things....
First we hung our chicken clock in the den.

We hung our rooster trivet on the porch.

We hung our "weather stick" (Those of you who have been up, know what it's real name is!)

and I brought up some new pillows for the sofa

I found them at World Market - aren't they great?